You see, I come from an area of the world where politics has always been played yet democracy and development seem to be at loggerheads. If you have some ideas, good or bad, your chances of being heard are pretty slim. If you send in views about ongoing programmes and projects, very few decision makers get them. They're most likely to be blocked or killed in bureaucratic processes/files!
The news media of course carries a lot of these things but they are transient and, for many publishing houses, perishable. Most are not archived at all, nor put in indexed user-friendly form.
Political party manifestoes, where they truly exist, are most likely bland and grandiose - such that elected officials implement them in the breach or by whims and caprices. Tied to the now ignoble past of military dictatorships, one can and should leave that past to the past. What now?
As we move into a new era , both for Nigeria and Africa, I thought we ought to try new ways of proffering advice, advancing initiatives and motivating change. Using creative thought processes and projectised delivery, we can stimulate debates and instigate action at trisectoral levels - i.e. Public, Private, Civil Society(People/Popular).
For several decades I have thought, fantasised, romanticised, speculated and projected about the future of our land, and the world at large. I have also taken action. Most times, however, the environment hadn't been right or ready or both. Now, I believe things are different, should change, or will certainly be changed!
And, fortuitously, reforms are officially underway, which includesNational Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy - NEEDS (for Nigeria), New Partnership for Africa's Development - NEPAD (for Africa), UK Africa Commission, ACP-EU Cotonou Agreement, and UN Millennium Development Goals - MDGs (for the Global Community). Then, enter the Internet and 24/7 Satellite TV & Radio Broadcasts with their multimedia mechanisms, matrix and outreach. NOW is a different world!
OP Goals:
a) Sharing my thoughts in longer essays and detailed formats
b) Proposing new, creative, crazy and ambitious projects
c) Dedicated PAGES for NEPAD, MDGs, ACP-EU Cotonou Agreement, UK Africa Commission
d) Advancing policy advisories, business development and civil society interventions
e) Offering "OP BlogBooks" on special subjects and spotlight-sectors
f) Showing/Sharing my personal archival materials for reference and nostalgia!
g) Strategic support for NGOs, CBOs, CDAs and other civil society entities in Africa
h) Critiques, Recommendations, Commendations, Competitions and Awards through "Onoviran PAGES Presents..."
OP Contents:
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ii) Action-Studies and Action PLANS
iii) Research & Development (R&D)
iv) Joint Works
v) Project Profiles
vi) Product/Service Profiles
vii) Feasibility and Viability Reports
viii) "From My Library" materials
ix) "Onoviran PAGES Presents..."
x) "OP BlogBooks" and "e-Manuals"
xi) Announcements/Notices
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6) Academics, writers, students and researchers
7) Thinkers, Forcasters and Futurologists
8) The Media
9) Bankers and Entrepreneurs
10) Anyone wishing to link to this site and to my Onoviran OBZervatory blog
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Onoviran PAGES is not a cast-in-stone definitive or contractual offering. Its contents are my personal opinions and creative ideas. Where so-indicated, especially in joint works, they represent the views of the authors. Readers are strongly recommended to seek independent professional and expert advice on all matters covered or propagated in OP.
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