We know of NGOs: Non Governmental Organisations. Recognised. We also know of NGIs: Non Governmental Individuals. Unrecognised. Now, we must!
As mainstream publishers have found, on-demand publishing is redefining our world. From books to music to multimedia materials....and out-of-print titles! You can now write your "obscure" stuff for your equally obscure tiny audience, and have it published! This technology is called "Print on Demand", POD.
As the mainstream media industry has discovered, citizen-reporting has now gone high-tech. Individuals use the Internet to report happenings around the world, for all the world: News that no media house can possibly have the resources or presence to cover. We saw it during the Asian Tsunamis, the Hurricane Katrina, the Pakistani Earthquakes, the Dafur Crises and The Olympics. This has been taken further by BLOGGING - the online journal. Now, we call it "Citizen Journalism".
NGIs are going to extend the frontiers of voluntarism and charities. There will also be excitng home-based actors everywhere. We better start recognising and rewarding them with our fullest embrace. It will be tricky, for we need special incentives, including tax breaks, donation-matrix, legal protections and new actuarial services, etc.
With Baby Boomers heading for retirement in due course, the world would have a reservoir of human and material resources never known to humankind before. Spare, and available!
The key: Non-Profits and For-Profits, as well as mixes in-between.
Watch this space.
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